

Breed: Yorkie Birthdate: 2002 Owner(s): Bruce & Mary Annette Colorado Springs, Colorado

Dear Diann, I appreciate your arranging for Annabelle (our 11 year old Yorkie) to enjoy her beef again. She has always been a really good eater, but lately, on "Detailed Answers A Plus Nutrition" beef patties, she started balking and finally stopped eating, chewing grass and throwing-up for 2 days. When I began to work with a slightly thawed roll of your raw beef, she came, watched and again excited to watch "dinner" be prepared. She’s eating happily again. As it is, because of arthritis in her rear hips, we have to add amendments of MSM and (Rainbow Light) Healthy Motion. She’s happy-I’m happy and thankful for your help.

Bruce & Mary Annette K


Bruce & Mary Annette K